Can you pour bleach down the sink? How to fix

Can you pour bleach down the sink?

If your home runs on a septic system, it’s important to be mindful about not pouring bleach down the same drain pipe; it can have negative effects on the biological processes within the tank. Septic tanks use negative air pressure to move sewage through the main drain line and use beneficial bacteria and other microorganisms … Read more

7 best alternatives to rain gutters for home

Alternatives to rain gutters for your Home Alternatives to rain gutters are an important addition to any home, but there are several alternatives that can provide the same level of protection without the expense or hassle of traditional gutters. Alternatives such as rain chains, gutter guards, and other systems are designed to direct water away … Read more

PEX Not Allowed: Understanding Where and Where is Pex not Allowed

Where is PEX Not Allowed

Are you looking to install PEX pipes for your plumbing or heating system but unsure if it’s permitted in your state? Confused about whether these pipes are actually allowed by industry standards for consumption purposes? If you’re in all the boats of confusion regarding PEX pipes being allowed and safe, then you’ve just stumbled into … Read more

How To Remove PEX Fittings? 5 Easy Steps

If you’re a loyal user of PEX, you’re surely aware of all the convenience and durability these pipes provide. But, in order to make the most of these tubes, you need to know how to install them properly, and what fittings to use. Now, whether during installing new tubing or for replacing them, you are … Read more

PEX Expansion Vs Crimp: What’s The Actual Difference?

PEX Expansion Vs Crimp

There’s hardly any disagreement that PEX (known as cross-linked polyethylene) is an excellent choice for plumbing. It has become a new standard for water pipes due to its bendability, ease of joining, corrosion resistance, and lightweight nature. However, opinions vary on two of its popular connection fittings (the methods of joining the pipe sections together) … Read more

Top 10 Safest PEX Brand: Revealing Our List

Safest PEX Brand

When on the hunt to buy good quality PEX pipes, you need to ensure that you make the purchase from a brand that you can trust. This doesn’t mean it’s any brand you are familiar with. The brand of your choice must provide you the utmost quality, durability, and versatility while ensuring that the products … Read more